My cousin Alex and I wanted to write a blog called “The Gen Ad Experience” but it never really took off. It was basically about living life on a budget – getting the general admission tickets instead of the front row ones because that’s what we can afford right now but still enjoying the concert as if we’re right up there in the front row.
Of course it isn’t the same but does it really matter when you had as much fun and enjoyed the moment the best way you could? Well, that’s what we strive to do. One of the quotes from my favorite books gifted to me by my mother, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, said,
“Perfect speed is being there.”
So let’s be here, now. Expect more, hopefully, of posts like this on how to live life fully even while on a budget (which of course I will start with a makeup post) as well as the continuation of HAWS (health and wellness series) as I am still doing my best to live a healthier, now fuller, lifestyle.
I actually wrote this post because one of my aunts requested if I could write a spend versus save entry which is why I remembered “The Gen Ad Experience.” So stay tuned and read on as I (hopefully) post daily on not spending while saving.