I know I just posted about a new lipstick launch but I remembered chancing upon the new Guerlain collection last last week and actually taking photos which I will now share with you guys.

The Guerlain Spring 2015: Les Tendres Collection has reached our shores two weeks ago which I posted on my IG but there weren’t testers yet so no Guerlain Kiss Kiss Lipstick for me yet. (Haha my wallet thanks me.)
I did get to see the new pressed Meteorites which is what I think is Guerlain‘s most famous makeup product. That being said, I haven’t tried any Meteorites yet as they are soooo expensive. I did realize though that I do have lipsticks from two of Guerlain‘s famous lines which are Rouge G and Rouge Automatique. Which totally justifies why I need a Kiss Kiss Lipstick in order to complete my “collection”. (yup, I find affinity with Marvel Universe’s The Collector) Gaahh I think this shows why this blog is called Lipsticks x Lenses eh?
Now let me show you the collection:

While I like the portability of the Meteorites Compact (permanent), what I loved (in theory as I haven’t tried) about the Meteorites were the always gorgeous packaging. Always. As in every collection, those tiny precious balls of powder are housed in the prettiest containers. And now they’re housed in these sort of plastic containers. Where’s that luxurious engraveable metal?? I just don’t think the plastic fits the Guerlain brand. Especially since all their lipsticks (and perfumes and pretty much well, everything) have been so exquisitely designed. I understand though that the lighter packaging means easier portability but still. I’m just not a huge fan of this new packaging. That being said, I still have to say that i’m quite fascinated with these pressed ones which they claim to be more than a finishing powder so it’s actually more of a pressed powder. They come in three shades Clair 02, Medium 03, and Dore 04, with Medium the most suited to my skin tone.

They also launched a a blush version of the Meteorites, the Meteorites Perles de Blush (limited edition)! I didn’t take a photo of the inside though as I was too scared for the balls to fall out. They also have the Meteorites Baby Glow (permanent) which is a lighter version of their foundation, similar to a tinted moisturizer or a BB cream. Now this one I would love to try with the pressed powdered over then the blush meteorites. Haha now i’m going for a whole look.
The highlight of the collection for me though were the Kiss Kiss Lipsticks as I literally couldn’t stop staring at Ms. Angel’s lips (the Guerlain Beauty Consultant at Shang) the entire time we were talking.

The Kiss Kiss finish looked so amazingly smooth and glossy without being excessive! I love both the finishes of the Automatique and the Rouge G which are both admittedly creamier variants but the Kiss Kiss just looked like a great everyday, wear to everywhere lipstick. This was the first time I encountered the finish so please bear with my gushing. There are two shades that came out with the collection, Rosy Silk (LE) and Peach Satin (LE) with the latter calling out my name for summer. Can I just be the girl in the orange lipstick for summer? Haha. Becky Bloomwood issues. I am yet to go back to check for testers so we’ll see. Until then! 🙂
Guerlain can never do wrong with their packaging. Always a work of art, IMHO. I would love to try the Meteorites one day. Sooo expensive, though. 🙁