Prior to the development of the Vertical Trimestral, we’ve been looking to create a more unconventional written planning method, one of the more obvious techniques would be to not use a ruled or grid like pattern, hence the inception of the Chevron Calendar.
It has a very basic generic form giving all days equivalent space on the sheets for data input. The month is to be determined by the user, days to be appended (I use M/T/W/H/F/S/U to denote them all with single letters), and extra dates are to be removed if necessary (I’m looking at you February :P). I’ve been using it for over six months and it’s a system that, while unorthodox, provides a very clear feel for how the month is progressing. It isn’t meant to hold too much data and yet somehow one can manage to place plenty within each confined row.
The outer free regions can be utilized as note taking and scribbling areas giving each month its unique feel and identifier. Personally I use the top left area to place illustrations for highlights of that month and most often place notes where they are closest to such as various quick learning’s that are best kept in memory.
I’ve received a fair number of comments from onlookers when they witness me taking down notes in what looks like an awkward manner but is actually really helpful for individuals such as myself who naturally write with a slant. This very simple planner type has its particular appeal and should you like to give it a try, do find the download link below. It is only two pages, it requires the same output for both sides to work and would require no print at the back to create the cover if needed. I’d recommend 12 sheets printed out for a sufficient number of months.
This is the third Midori / Travelers Notebook insert that we’ve developed as a couple and more are in the pipeline. Visit us again soon for more free Travelers Notebook refills and possibly more shared digital downloads.
Get the Chevron Calendar free travelers notebook refill .