To take advantage of my current obsession on reading, I’m going to adopt a 5-book rule that I read about somewhere. It’s pretty basic, how the rule goes – if you’re interested in a certain topic, in order to gain a general understanding, you’ll have to read 5 books on it. The original “rule” was to read 3 books but a CEO of a company I forgot about (I think I read about this from a compiled advice list from CEOs of top companies) said that 5 would be a better number.
More books = more knowledge.
I’m currently on book 3 for the topic of Design: Business and Marketing.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to get through this 3rd book really quick as the 5th book is an extensive and heavy book that I’d have to borrow from the library.
Wow, Katsy’s going to read an actual book not on the Kindle app haha. The Kindle version costs around $50 so I can’t purchase that at the moment. The impending launch of MAC x Archie has been making me antsy – the collection’s brush set has the brushes I use for everyday, plus I really grew up with Betty and Veronica although I can’t decide which one I like more. Hence another decision to make with the Betty Bright and Ronnie Red lipsticks. Although I honestly do not need another lipstick that I never use as 95% of the time, I’m just using my NIVEA SPF 15 Med Protection Lip Balm. Totally colorless, totally effortless. How uncool of me to not use my multiple lipsticks and glosses collection.
But I really don’t use them. Kind of like my Kurecolor marker collection and Prang watercolor and pencil sets from college. Haha.
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